Onome Osokpo

Provost Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biobehavioral Health Sciences, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

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Research Topics Chronic Illness
Healthcare Services

My research examines the individual, cultural, social, and structural factors that affect self-care behaviors and access to and use of health care services in the U.S. In the three years, I have worked with leaders of the African diaspora community and immigrants serving governmental and community-based organizations in Greater Philadelphia to explore socio-cultural factors influencing self-care among African immigrants living with chronic illness. Currently, I am exploring the social determinants of health—key factors that influence health and well-being, health care access, and health outcomes in vulnerable and marginalized populations. In addition, I am examining how these factors influence resource use (e.g., rehospitalization) among persons living with multiple chronic conditions with his mentor, Dr. Mary Naylor.

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News Features

https://ldi.upenn.edu/our-work/research-updates/promoting-self-care-among-african-immigrants-with-chronic-diseases/, https://ldi.upenn.edu/our-work/research-updates/penn-ldi-cicada-initiative-names-researchers-for-2022-2023-cohort/, https://www.scattergoodfoundation.org/community-fund-for-immigrant-wellness-invests-400000-to-promote-culturally-centered-strategies-to-improve-mental-health/


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