Marilyn Howarth

Adjunct Associate Professor of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics

Director, Community Engagement Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology,. Deputy Director, Philadelphia Regional Center for Children’s Environmental Health

My work involves working in communities that have environmental exposures such as air pollution, water pollution, Superfund sites, and indoor environmental issues such as lead, radon or chemical contamination.  I have been doing this work for more than 30 years.  I have worked to address community concerns in Philadelphia in Eastwick, Kingsessing, West Philadelphia, South Philadelphia. I have also worked with community partners in Lancaster, North East PA, East Palestine, Gulf Coast residents after the Deep Water Horizon oil spill and Chester.  The ideal partner for our work is a group that is committed to understanding and mitigating environmental health problems.  We can provide data, support grant writing, enhance capacity, engage in CBPR, and assist with legislative or regulatory efforts.

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