Eleanor Turi

My work involves studying the contributions of the nursing workforce to the care of populations with substance use disorders. I am interested in community-academic partnerships to address the issue of decreased access to high quality substance use disorder care, and full recognition of the skills and knowledge of the nursing workforce. I am new to CBPR in the academic sense, but have volunteered as a wound care nurse in Kensington, Philadelphia and previously in a food pantry in Pittsburgh as a health educator. I am looking for partners who have similar goals of improving care for populations with substance use disorders. As a partner, you can expect me to be reliable and responsible, prioritizing patients and our partnership over academic pursuits.

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Selected Publications


  1. Turi, E., McMenamin, A., Kueakomoldej, S., Kurtzman, E., & Poghosyan, L. (2023). The effectiveness of nurse practitioner care for patients with mental health conditions in primary care settings: A systematic review. Nursing Outlook, 71(4):101995.
  2. Turi, E., McMenamin, A., Wolk, C.B., & Poghosyan, L. (2023). Primary care provider confidence in addressing opioid use disorders: a concept analysis. Research in Nursing and Health, 46(2): 263-273.

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